Subject: GIF: Leather Tabs (R31 Gray) Author: . Uploaded By: Reuploader Date: 5/25/1993 File: REL_31.GIF (217802 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 272 Equipment: 640 X 451, 256 shades of gray Needs: A GIF Viewer REL_31.GIF Leather Tabs (640 X 451, 256 shades of gray) Leather Scroll Fasteners Tabs and Thongs Leather First century B.C.E-first century C.E. Tabs and thongs may have been used to bind individual scrolls. The fastening method is thought to consist of a slotted tab folded over the edge of the scroll (_object no. 2_) with a thong inserted through the tab's slot. The thong then could be tied around the scroll. Fasteners were generally made of leather and prepared in different sizes. Also, leather thongs may have been used in the phylacteries (_object no. 84_). Tabs: length: 11/16 in.-1 1/16 in., width 9/16 in.-1 5/16 in. Thongs: length 2 3/4 in.-11 3/4 in., width 1/8 in.-5/16 in. Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority (90-100)